About Us
Dr. Larry Boese
If you are looking for support and assistance with improving your Title I, Part A and other ESSA programs or with preparing for and conducting a successful FPM review, I have the knowledge, experience, and expertise to provide you with excellent services.
Beginning in the 2018-19 school year, I helped several LEAs and direct-funded charter schools have successful FPM reviews with zero or few findings when they took full advantage of the support and services I provided. I have since helped many more districts and direct-funded charter schools have successful FPM reviews from the 2019-20 through the 2023-24 school years. The Testimonials you will also see under About Us are from administrators with whom I worked on conducting successful FPM reviews.
For several years before retiring in September 2017, I provided exemplary support to California local education agencies (LEAs), including school districts and county offices of education (COEs), selected for Federal Program Monitoring (FPM) reviews of their compensatory education (CE) Title I programs as an Education Programs Consultant with the California Department of Education (CDE).
As part of this work, I led the CDE Title I Monitoring and Support Office in providing day-long technical support (TA) and trainings at COEs in Title I, Part A in relation to FPM CE reviews, including at Imperial County Office of Education, Orange County Department of Education, Sacramento County Office of Education, and San Diego County Office of Education.
In addition, I co-presented CE Training sessions at annual LEA FPM Training in southern and northern California for five consecutive years, and I presented or co-presented the following workshop sessions at the last four California Title I Conferences hosted by the CDE:
Beginning in the 2018-19 school year, I helped several LEAs and direct-funded charter schools have successful FPM reviews with zero or few findings when they took full advantage of the support and services I provided. I have since helped many more districts and direct-funded charter schools have successful FPM reviews from the 2019-20 through the 2023-24 school years. The Testimonials you will also see under About Us are from administrators with whom I worked on conducting successful FPM reviews.
For several years before retiring in September 2017, I provided exemplary support to California local education agencies (LEAs), including school districts and county offices of education (COEs), selected for Federal Program Monitoring (FPM) reviews of their compensatory education (CE) Title I programs as an Education Programs Consultant with the California Department of Education (CDE).
As part of this work, I led the CDE Title I Monitoring and Support Office in providing day-long technical support (TA) and trainings at COEs in Title I, Part A in relation to FPM CE reviews, including at Imperial County Office of Education, Orange County Department of Education, Sacramento County Office of Education, and San Diego County Office of Education.
In addition, I co-presented CE Training sessions at annual LEA FPM Training in southern and northern California for five consecutive years, and I presented or co-presented the following workshop sessions at the last four California Title I Conferences hosted by the CDE:
- Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) Bootcamp (with CDE and LEA colleagues)
- The FPM CE Review as a Collegial Learning Process (with a LEA colleague)
- Understanding Title I Part A Fiscal Requirements
- Preparing for a Successful FPM CE Review (with a LEA colleague)
Previously I worked in the CDE office that coordinated the work of California’s Statewide System of School Support (S4) for Title I LEAs and schools, which included WestEd as a comprehensive assistance center and Regional System of District and School Support (RSDSS) offices in California’s eleven COE regions.
Previous to my professional work at the CDE, I served as the institutional research professional at both Diablo Valley College and Sacramento City College.
I received my Doctorate Degree (Ph.D.) in Education from the University of California at Davis (UCD), for which I conducted dissertation research on the prevention of reading disabilities and the implications for general and special education policy and programs. I have taught several upper-division education courses for the UCD School of Education, which served as both general writing courses and as prerequisites to the School’s teacher credential program.
In addition to consulting, I have served as an adjunct professor for the University of the Pacific’s Sacramento Education Doctorate (Ed.D.) program, which includes teaching a graduate course on Quantitative Research Methods in Education and a Dissertation Learning Community course to help students stay on track for completing their dissertation research. I have served as the dissertation chair for a number of Ed.D. students and served on a number of other students' dissertation committees.
I received my Doctorate Degree (Ph.D.) in Education from the University of California at Davis (UCD), for which I conducted dissertation research on the prevention of reading disabilities and the implications for general and special education policy and programs. I have taught several upper-division education courses for the UCD School of Education, which served as both general writing courses and as prerequisites to the School’s teacher credential program.
In addition to consulting, I have served as an adjunct professor for the University of the Pacific’s Sacramento Education Doctorate (Ed.D.) program, which includes teaching a graduate course on Quantitative Research Methods in Education and a Dissertation Learning Community course to help students stay on track for completing their dissertation research. I have served as the dissertation chair for a number of Ed.D. students and served on a number of other students' dissertation committees.