What We Do
FPM Success Services™Has your local education agency (LEA) been selected for a Federal Program Monitoring (FPM) review?
We are here to help you have a successful FPM review. If your LEA (district, county office, or direct-funded charter school) has been selected for an FPM review, we will help you:
Even if your LEA has not been selected for a FPM review this year, we can help you put systems in place to deliver and document legally compliant programs and practices, make best use of federal and state categorical programs, and better address the educational needs of all your students. With our services your LEA will be well prepared if you are selected for a future FPM review.
Navigating ESSA™The reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) of 1965 as the “Every Student Succeeds Act” (ESSA) makes major changes to Title I, Part A and other titled programs as they were defined under “No Child Left Behind” (NCLB).
Dr. Boese has a comprehensive grasp of ESSA and a clear understanding of specific nuts-and-bolts requirements and opportunities it brings to LEA and school-level programs and practices.
These “Navigating ESSA Workshops” will clearly and effectively address your questions and concerns. Title I, Part A TA WorkshopThis workshop is for Title I LEA and schools staff and other stakeholders who want more knowledge and clearer understanding of Title I, Part A program and fiscal requirements and opportunities under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), particularly as they are reflected in the Compensatory Education (CE) Instrument used for Federal Program Monitoring (FPM) reviews.
Other LEA TrainingBoese Consulting plans to offer LEA Training on other federal or state categorical programs monitored by the California Department of Education (CDE) during FPM reviews based on the identified needs of LEAs.